08 February 2013

Pop-less LED circuit

Here's a vero for a "pop"-less LED circuit, for those pesky pedals that pop (due to the LED) when you turn them on. I was having trouble with a Fuzz Face-type circuit, so I tried this out. It works great!

Here's a vero for it. Takes up very little room inside enclosure as an add on, or you can add it to a vero.

The original schematic can be found at AMZ.

07 February 2013

DynaRed (modified)

Another pedal (another sale/SOLD).

Hand-painted, Dynamic Red (a modified DynaRed from the BJFE line and Smallbear FX). Great for saturated, 80s hair band, distortion. (Can't remember where I got the hero, but there is one at Guitar FX Layouts, sans mods.)


31 January 2013

New Build - Pumped Up Rangemaster

Recently built a Pumped Up Rangemaster, using GuitarPCB.com's pcb. Liked it so much, I built a second one. 

One change from original specs is that I used a germanium transistor with a higher hFE (113 for #1 and 115 for #2) than the original Rangemaster (hFE=60-90). I like the hotter, grittier sound of the hotter trannie.

In addition to level knob, there is a 3-way tone switch (treble, fat, full). Treble is great for solos; for chording, I like the other tone settings, depending on the guitar/pups being used.

Pumped Up Rangemaster #1